Court Filings

The following is a partial list of documents that have been filed with the court in the Pinpoint Communications bankruptcy case. For official copies, please contact the court or your attorney. The date for each document is approximate, and reflects when the document was received, not when it was filed.
. 1/2/97 - Notice of abandonment
. 1/2/97 - Service list (for the above)
. 1/2/97 - Order directing trustee to abandon assets
. 12/13/96 - Motion for approval to market assets of the estate
. 12/13/96 - Order shortening notice period
. 12/5/96 - Order establishing claims bar date
. 12/3/96 - Motion to establish claims bar date
. 9/18/96 - Motion to sell property

All documents were scanned from original hardcopy received through the U.S. Postal Service. The images were not altered in any way, except for reduction in size. This web page designed by Jim Price.

This page last updated 1/2/97