JimPrice.Com Site Map

ALL NEW - Connector Reference and Games.

Internet and Programming Resources

Here are some of the resources that I use for data communications and programming.

Web Page Development Resources - and graphics.
Software Development Resources - and some sources of shareware
Computer (and Internet) Security
DNS and NS-Lookup
Connector Reference - New! A variety of cables and connectors
Miscellaneous - Stuff that wouldn't fit in other categories

Web Page Development

Here's a bunch of (loosely-organized) stuff you'll want to go look at if you're trying to get into web development, and don't know where to start.

HTML 4.0 Reference - From the Web Design Group
PHP - My favorite language for web development
Web Browsers Open FAQ, maintained by Thomas Boutell
Web Design Tips - A wonderful guide
The CGI Specification
NetMechanic - New! Link checker, HTML syntax checker, and more!
About Lynx - A text-based web browser.
CyberSpyder - Excellent web-testing tool.
HotMetal Pro - A great development tool
Crystal Graphics - Themes for FrontPage, PowerPoint and more!
BotSpot.Com - A web bots resource.
BotSpot.Com web bots directory - Good list of web bots.
Image Map Tutorial
MapThis! - The best image-mapping program ever! You can also download it here or here.
OptiView - Formerly GIF Wizard, makes your .GIF images smaller!
HTML Background Color Codes - Useful reference.
JavaScript Color Picker New! - It's great!!!
Text Colors Picker New! - Ugly, but contains LOTS of color codes, all on one page.
WebMonkey - Lots of good references, including HTML references, JavaScript samples, etc... Also, web hosting for under $10.00 per month. Gotta love it!
Icon Index - From Yahoo

Software Development

Crnwr is the company that now handles Clarkson University packet drivers. They're invaluable for developm on older platforms.

For contemporary Windows platforms, the API of choice is of course the WinSock interface. I've done a lot of DOS and Windows programming using both the Borland compiler, and the Microsoft Visual C++ environment.

More programming links:

ServerWatch - Info on server hardware and software.
Stroud's Winsock Apps List - The Consumate List.
Papa WinSock-L FTP Site - Another good archive
TuCows - The Ultimate Collection Of WinSock Software.
SimTel Archives - Check out their WinSock section.
EasyHelp - Generates .HLP files, and HTML
ASCII chart page - a useful reference
HREF.Com - Delphi Components - as well as web development tools.
Carl and Gary's Visual Basic Home Page.
CygWin/XFree86 - Win32 Unix-like environment and utilities.
GNUWin32 - More Win32 Unix-like utilities.

Miscellaneous Resources

The following are some other resources you might want to check out.
Traversix New! - Remote communication ports (including serial) with firewall traversal.
Wavetrix New! - Richardson-based electronic product design firm.
What's its format? New! - Almost every file format around.
Charles Spurgeon's Ethernet Reference New! - Excellent reference on Ethernet
Wireshark - Formerly called Ethereal, now sponsored by Cace Technologies, this is an excellent FREE packet sniffer
Realtime Black Hole New! - SPAM Abuse List
Internet Traffic Report
NullModem.Com New! - Cable and connetor reference.
Protocols.Com - A good reference of protocols, maintained by RADCOM.
Common Terms New! - From JimPrice.Com - Ever-growing collection of terms
Dictionary of PC and Data Communication Terms.
Street Tech Glossary.
Windows 95 Annoyances - Win '95 bugs, quirks and fixes.
Anti-SPAM Page - Fight SPAM now!
Internet Society Home Page.
DFW Area Internet Service Providers
VisualRoute - A graphical traceroute tool.
List of ISPs Worldwide
Well-known IP Port Numbers
Other IANA registries (protocol numbers, etc.)
Internet Information Resources - From Montana State
NetManage World Wide Web Server
SEI - Software Engineering Institute
O'Reilly & Associates - Leaders in Internet-related publishing.
HoaxBusters - Net hoax info from CIAC.
My page of search engines.

Computer (and Internet) Security

DOE-CIRC - DOE Cyber Incident Response Capability Page
CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team
AutomatedScanning.Com - Computer Vunerability Scanning.
DigiCrime - Digital Crime Specialists
MIT's PGP site
McAfee - Leaders in anti-virus technology

DNS and NS-Lookup

Here are some form-based web pages that can do ns-lookups for you:

Here are some DNS / NS-lookup software and links:
DNS Resources Directory
Jim's Shareware Page - Contains NS-Batch, a nifty batch lookup utility.
Public Free DNSNew!
Ask Mr. DNS - Maintained by Cricket Lui co-author of DNS and BIND
DynDNS.org - DNS for dialup users and other folks with dynamic IP addresses.
The following are the addresses of some DNSs that just always seem to work: Waymark.net Waymark.net #2 ns.onramp.net ns1.sprintlink.net ns.istrength.net ns1.algx.net ns2.algx.net

If you want a more comprehensive listing of DNSs, I suggest that you go to the InterNIC, or use their Whois interface.

Tip This page and its contents, copyright © 1996-2010, JimPrice.Com. Here's a link to our privacy statement. If you have any questions about this page, please drop me a line (e-mail address should be obvious to all but SPAM-bots).

This site last updated 5/24/2010.